Can apple cider vinegar help you lose weight?

Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Caley Scott, ND
From diet and exercise plans to high-tech devices, our world has no shortage of ways to lose weight. While there’s no substitute for a healthy lifestyle and smart choices, some simple ingredients — even those found at your supermarket — might help support your weight management game plan.
Apple cider vinegar is one of those possible ingredients, often cited among doctors and alternative medicine advocates as having many positive health benefits. Apple cider vinegar is nothing new or unique, but its resurgence might reveal more value to this ingredient than meets the eye.
In this article, we’re getting to the truth about apple cider vinegar and how it may relate to weight loss. What aspects of this substance are most beneficial, and how does its high acidity give our biochemistry a boost? We’ll cover these questions and more, then offer some palatable ways to take apple cider vinegar if you think it suits your needs.
What is apple cider vinegar?
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is one of the more simple superfoods on the market. It’s a type of vinegar made from fermented apple juice, offering a tart, often harsh flavor and containing a unique profile of micronutrients and compounds.
The process of making ACV can vary by manufacturer, but it boils down to the basics of double fermentation and aging. The process starts by crushing apples to a pulp and extracting pure liquid, just as you might make homemade apple juice. From there, yeast is added to spark the fermentation process, which converts sugars from the fruit juice into alcohol.
Stop at that step, and you essentially have apple cider — but what comes next to produce true ACV? That’s where the second fermentation comes into play, as bacteria are introduced to the alcoholic cider mixture. During round two of fermentation, this bacteria converts alcohol into vinegar through a process called aerobic fermentation.
Meanwhile, acetic acid is formed along with other acids and compounds that give ACV its signature tang and burn. Finally, the substance is aged — often for several months — to increase the quality and strength of the finished product. Some ACV products are then filtered and pasteurized, while other “raw” and “unfiltered” options are also brought to market. These unfiltered versions are thought to contain more healthy enzymes and beneficial bacteria, providing an additional boost to the basics of acetic acid and phytochemicals found in ACV.
What is the “mother” in apple cider vinegar?
The next time you’re browsing ACV options at the store, you’ll notice something right away: curtain ACV products are labeled with “the mother” and contain an odd, murky mass floating in the bottle. While this might seem alarming at first, the mother is actually a perfectly natural byproduct of the second fermentation process and contains many of the health-promoting properties that ACV advocates love.
The mother is mostly made of cellulose (plant matter), but is also rich in natural enzymes and proteins. It contains some of the bacteria left over from the second fermentation and proves that the product has not been filtered or pasteurized. You can shake up your bottle of ACV to evenly distribute the particles of the mother throughout the bottle and include it in your next drink or ACV recipe.
Alternatively, you can opt for a filtered or pasteurized version of ACV and still get most of the benefits from this ingredient. However, if you want the genuine ACV experience and all the upside that comes with it, we recommend choosing the mother every time.
How can apple cider vinegar support weight management?
We’ve covered how ACV is produced and talked about the mother, but what about this substance makes it so beneficial for weight management?
Let’s cover some of the main reasons why ACV is thought to help maintain a healthy weight and whether science has the proof to back it up.
Blood sugar support
The links between blood sugar levels and unwanted weight gain are well documented, and apple cider vinegar can help support this vital aspect of our biochemistry.
Studies have found that ACV might support proper insulin sensitivity, an issue commonly related to weight gain. Insulin is the hormone responsible for sugar transport through the bloodstream, and it results in higher utilization of sugar by the cells and a healthier response to glucose overall.
By supporting healthy blood glucose, many people have seen positive wellness shifts thanks to ACV.
Support for satiety and appetite management
That feeling you get when you’re full and satisfied after a meal — that’s called satiety, and it’s key to managing your weight. While portion control might be difficult for some, apple cider vinegar can help, especially regarding carbs.
The acetic acid in ACV can support satiety by maintaining healthy rates of gastric emptying. At the same time, some studies suggest that ACV can support the proper activity of “hunger hormones” like ghrelin, which can help keep you in a safe calorie deficit necessary for weight loss.
When you work to manage your appetite with compounds like ACV and THC-V, found in our Trim product line, you’re well on the way to sustainable weight management and health.*
Support for metabolic function
The human metabolism is a complex system of energy and cell efficiency, so there’s no quick fix to boost metabolic function. However, if you’re already taking the right steps with diet and exercise, adding apple cider vinegar can pack an extra punch for your metabolism.
Once again, acetic acid is the main player here, helping to break down fats and sugars for better energy utilization and distribution throughout the body. The “heat” of ACV and its components may also support thermogenesis, revving up the body’s “furnace” to burn more calories at rest throughout the day.*
As mentioned, metabolic health involves many variables, mostly related to your nutrition, exercise regime, and stress levels. Apple cider vinegar might not be the miracle answer, but it can certainly help your cause.
Support for digestion
Bloating is a common digestive issue, uncomfortable abominable swelling accompanied by gas and other issues. In general, it’s caused by your digestive system not breaking down food correctly, even if you chew your food fully. Thankfully, apple cider vinegar can help in a number of ways, between acetic acid, probiotic properties, and an assortment of other digestive aids.
This makes apple cider vinegar especially useful following a meal high in carbs and fats, or vegetables that tend to leave you feeling bloated. Introduce some apple cider vinegar in a post-meal tea, and some of your digestive issues might just subside.
Of course, ACV won’t undo the effects of super-processed foods and other unhealthy dietary habits. Put nutrition first and let ACV take care of the rest.*
What are the best ways to take apple cider vinegar?
If you’ve ever caught a whiff of apple cider vinegar, you know it’s not meant to be consumed in its full concentration, even if you’ve got an iron stomach.
Besides, drinking apple cider vinegar on its own can degrade tooth enamel (and irritate the esophagus) if you’re not careful, which is why we recommend consuming ACV in some alternative, safer ways.
Here are some techniques to add ACV to your diet and actually enjoy it.
Mix ACV with your morning water
You know you should be drinking at least eight ounces of water shortly after you wake up in the morning, so why not add some ACV to the mix and double down on health benefits? Start with a teaspoon in eight ounces of water or a tablespoon in 16 ounces.
This is also a great opportunity to add some Broad Spectrum Neuro CBD Water Soluble droplets to your water for an extra boost of hemp and focus.*
Add ACV to your favorite fruit smoothie
Fruit smoothies are beloved for offering a healthy balance of sweetness and nutrition, and adding ACV can take your favorite recipe to the next level. Just keep in mind that ACV is quite tart, and you don’t need much to get the benefits. Balance it out with sweeter fruits like bananas and pineapple to get the best of both worlds with flavor and benefits.
Include ACV in salad dressing or marinades
Your favorite salad dressings and marinades likely already call for vinegar or some sort of acidic kick. Why not substitute ACV and add a healthy dose of nutrition to your next salad or grill night? You can easily mix together a simple recipe of ACV, dijon mustard, olive oil, and garlic to make a heavenly vinaigrette or marinade. You can even add some maple syrup for a hint of sweetness.
Finally, ACV can assist in your DIY pickling and fermentation efforts at home, whether you want to make your own kimchi, kraut, or other crispy, tangy veggies.
Make it part of your evening tea
With all the health benefits of apple cider vinegar in mind, why not incorporate some ACV into your evening routine? Just a few drops of ACV in your nighttime tea can calm the system, aid post-meal digestion, and set the stage for a great night's sleep. Add some Full Spectrum CBN Sleep Tincture to the mix, and you’ll have no problem getting the recovery you need.*
The bottom line
While a true “apple cider vinegar diet” is ill-advised, there are ways to use apple cider vinegar safely and effectively. With so many ways to use it, this is one ingredient you don’t want to ignore, especially in the realm of weight management and blood sugar support.
Remember: just one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar can go a long way in reaching your goals and generally supporting your health overall. Integrate ACV with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and hemp supplements from Sunmed, and you’ve got a rock-solid wellness plan that will serve you well for years to come.*
Drinking apple cider vinegar for weight loss seems far-fetched. Does it work? | Mayo Clinic
Apple cider vinegar for weight loss: Does it really work? | Harvard Health Publishing