Meet The Owner
Owner: Amanda & Jamie Buice
About Amanda & Jamie Buice: In 2016, I was in a horrific car accident that impacted the rest of my life. I broke my leg, arm, and pelvis, emotionally and physically. It has been a journey to overcome. Along with the breaks came a lot of nerve damage. I had been on lots of nerve block medicine as well as pain medicine, trying to get relief from unbelievable amounts of pain; I would have trimmers and be unable to have full functioning in my hand; I had to learn how to walk twice when my leg didn’t heal after first surgery they had to do another surgery that they removed my calf muscle to bind both leg bones together. With monitoring by my doctor, we found out my liver and kidneys was being negatively impacted by the pain medicine that day I stopped all pain medicine. We had lots of our friends in this business, and they sent us some samples to try. I was completely skeptical about it at first as I was uneducated on CBD and what it was, but one day in tons of pain I tried our Topical Cream and it has forever changed my life. Since then, our products have changed my whole way of life and the lives of numerous family and friends. My passion is to help as many people as possible, supplying samples to everyone I meet so their lives can be forever changed. Jamie and I have been in the business for 5 years helping manage multiple locations, District Manager for our Corporate owned Airport Stores and we are super excited about our new additional journey of owning our own franchises. This is far from just a job to us; it’s so rewarding to be in the business of helping people, hearing the testimony about how others' lives have been impacted by not only our products but our warm-hearted team members who make every customer feel like family and being able to be such a huge part of each community is more than we could ever ask for.
Favorite Product: Neuro Water soluble, Topical, trim, super greens, mushrooms, hair oil and massage oil
Make my homestoreAbout the location
Hickory Flat, GA