What vitamins are good for losing belly fat?

In your battle against belly fat, vitamins and minerals can help. Here are the top vitamin supplements to get a leaner, toned midsection.
What vitamins are good for losing belly fat?
minute read

Medically Reviewed byDr. Caley Scott, ND

With so much talk about weight loss, it’s easy to lose sight of the real objectives in health and wellness. Losing weight might sound like a reasonable goal, but what does it really mean? Simply watching a number decrease on a scale isn’t the right metric to track — we need to focus on losing weight in a healthy way.

Knowing this, it’s time to rethink how we view the process of sustainable weight loss with the goal of losing unwanted weight around the midsection. While diet and exercise should always be the pillars of health, organic compounds like vitamins can go a long way to support your efforts.

In this article, we’re discussing the role that vitamins and minerals play in the weight loss process and how the right supplementation strategy can help. We’ll also recommend some practical tips you can use to boost your intake of effective compounds and set yourself on a path toward healthy long-term weight maintenance.

What are vitamins?

Vitamins are the organic micronutrients the body needs to support key processes, from energy metabolism to cognitive function and much more. Some vitamins are fat-soluble, meaning they’re stored in fat tissue for longer durations, while others are water-soluble and must be consumed in higher amounts to maintain proper levels.

A nutritionist might recommend that food sources offer the best way to get these essential nutrients, and a balanced diet is always a good place to start. However, the standard American diet doesn’t deliver the full range of vitamins we need, even with various carbohydrates, proteins, and fatty acids. This means that in order to achieve healthy weight loss and vibrant health, supplementation is likely necessary for most individuals.

Vitamins shouldn’t be complicated — our goal today is to explain what they do and the best way to get them in sufficient amounts.

What about minerals?

Minerals are often grouped together with vitamins, but they differ on some key points. Minerals are not organic compounds, but rather inorganic trace elements that come from soil, rocks, and water. Macrominerals, for example, include calcium and sodium. Zinc, iron, and iodine, on the other hand, are trace minerals that also play a role in energy metabolism and overall health.

Because minerals and vitamins go hand in hand, we’ll be recommending some key minerals that can help you burn belly fat along with our vitamin protocol.

How can vitamins and minerals help you lose fat?

Although dietitians are correct in emphasizing macronutrient intake for goals like fat loss, we can’t overlook the importance of vitamins for overall health and fat metabolism. The health benefits of vitamins go deeper than researchers previously thought, proving that they’re pivotal to a healthy diet and metrics like body mass index.

Vitamins and minerals may not directly cause fat loss, but they can support your efforts in key ways. For instance, B vitamins help convert nutrients to energy, while vitamin C can support immunity to help you stay resilient.

As we start exploring individual compounds and what they do, remember that the fundamentals of weight loss remain the same no matter what your vitamin regimen looks like. Use supplements to increase energy and gain an advantage in weight loss, but don’t forget that results only come from consistency over time.

What vitamins are best for losing belly fat?

Now that we know the basics of vitamins and minerals and how they relate to fat loss, it’s time to look at the most effective compounds you should aim to include in your daily stack. Whether you get them from food sources or dietary supplements, these may help you take your fat-burning plan to the next level and keep your results once your goals have been achieved.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Thiamine is a vital nutrient in both weight management and general health. Its primary role is to convert carbohydrates into energy, which is a common bottleneck for those with metabolic issues. Specifically, it helps process sugars and starches by transforming them into energy (ATP) that your body uses for exercise, cognitive performance, and more.

Remember — everything the body does requires energy, whether lifting weights, working a desk job, or combatting pathogens with the immune system. Thiamine plays a part in all these functions, while also supporting a healthy nervous system and healthy appetite.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Riboflavin is key in any B vitamin complex, helping to maintain healthy cells that can deliver oxygen to tissues and organs. It’s also important for supporting proper thyroid function, which is often overlooked in the fat loss equation. Furthermore, riboflavin is a powerful antioxidant, giving your cells extra support during exposure to free radicals while fat cells are diminished during weight loss.

Like other B vitamins, riboflavin supports proper metabolic function — not just for sugars, but for fats and proteins as well. This helps ensure that the food you eat is properly converted to energy that your body can easily access and utilize across the board. 

As a bonus, riboflavin can support skin and eye health, boosting general well-being and indirectly assisting in your weight loss goals. If you want to look better and feel better while losing fat, don’t neglect this key B vitamin. 

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Another key vitamin from the B family, niacin may help weight loss efforts by supporting your overall metabolism and cardiovascular health. 

Sufficient niacin intake helps the body determine the difference between good and bad cholesterol and triglycerides while also helping to maintain a healthy heart.

At the same time, niacin plays a role in cell health and DNA repair, meaning your body will have some extra support as you generate more lean muscle and do away with unwanted fat cells. With more energy and the ability to rebuild strong cells, you can navigate weight loss more efficiently with less unneeded stress on the body.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Pantothenic acid is one of the less-known B vitamins, but it’s important nonetheless when it comes to healthy weight loss. Research shows that B5 is central to the formation of a key molecule known as Coenzyme A (CoA), which supports the synthesis of fatty acids and energy conversion.

While you might think fat is the enemy during weight loss, the right types of fat are important to keep cells healthy and ensure that hormone production remains strong. B5 can help on all fronts, while also improving stamina and reducing fatigue. With enough B5, you may feel stronger and have more endurance for exercise while steadily losing fat around the belly. 

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

When it comes to protein metabolism, no nutrient is more important than pyridoxine. This B vitamin helps the body efficiently process proteins and extract the amino acids necessary to rebuild cells from organs to muscles and even the brain. 

On that note, B6 is also involved in the synthesis of critical neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine. These are key to supporting mood and appetite.

Finally, B6 has been linked to immune function, hormone balance, and the creation of hemoglobin in the blood. All of these factors add up to an essential addition to your weight loss program, so make sure you’re getting enough pyridoxine every day.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Weight loss — especially rapid weight loss — can be exhausting and stressful on the body. Luckily, vitamin B12 supports energy metabolism and a healthy nervous system, ensuring you stay strong on both a physical and psychological level during your journey.

B12 is also key to red blood cell formation, which will help deliver oxygen and nutrients to your cells as you shed fat and generate healthy muscle tissue. The changes that happen during weight loss aren’t only visual — the entire body needs support from B12 as the recomposition process takes place.

Keep in mind that, like all B vitamins, B12 is water soluble, and daily intake is required to reap the benefits fully. Use B12 to your advantage during weight loss and even after you’ve hit your goals, as it will keep energy levels up and help you regulate weight long term.

Vitamin C

You might think that vitamin C is strictly for immune boosting benefits, but experts agree that this compound is also important in the weight loss process. It’s a strong antioxidant, meaning you’ll reduce the harm of oxidative stress as you lose weight. Vitamin C also supports proper collagen synthesis in the joints and tendons, helping you stay active and on track with your workouts.

Let’s not forget about metabolic health and energy production — vitamin C does that, too. This compound can also help maintain the healthy regulation of your mood and appetite. 

The best part about vitamin C is enjoying healthy citrus fruits that contain so much of this great compound. This lets you enjoy some of your favorite snacks, like oranges, while still promoting your weight loss goals. If you need a vitamin C supplement for an extra boost, there are plenty of options as well, including natural sources. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin,” but it’s also a powerful weight loss asset. It’s known mainly for promoting calcium absorption to support strong bones and muscles, but it also delivers benefits for insulin regulation, appetite management, and more. 

Meanwhile, low vitamin D levels have been shown to be linked to metabolic disorders, low mood, and muscle weakness. If you want better workouts and overall higher vitality during your weight loss journey, start by addressing low vitamin D levels with supplementation and adequate sun exposure when possible. 

Thankfully, you can get vitamin D from leafy greens, whole grains, egg yolks, and other everyday foods. If you want to supplement with some extra vitamin D during winter, it may be helpful in shedding weight year-round.


From sleep quality to stress reduction and muscle function, magnesium is the one mineral you don’t want to skip in your supplement stack. This mineral is responsible for supporting more than 300 functions in the body, and while most are not directly related to fat loss, magnesium can definitely help make the most of your efforts.

For example, magnesium helps support healthy blood sugar levels by keeping insulin levels in check when eating carbohydrates. This may make it easier to resist that extra snack or keep your portions smaller during calorie-restriction days. 

At the same time, magnesium helps your body efficiently use available energy, which can help you stay alert and high-functioning even when you’re dropping those extra pounds. Look for a magnesium supplement that contains several types of this mineral so that you can check every box and get the support you need.

Bonus recommendations: Plant-based compounds for weight loss

We’ve covered a wide range of great vitamins and minerals to help you lose belly fat, but vitamins and minerals are just the tip of the iceberg. 

You may also want to supplement with compounds like cannabinoids, such as THC-V and CBD-V. These hemp extracts have been shown to support appetite management, which can make all the difference on those stressful days.* 

You can also look into resources like apple cider vinegar and turmeric, which we also include in many of our Trim weight management supplements. The combination of our unique NITRO-V blend and other plant-based compounds may help support healthy blood sugar and give you an extra boost for daily activity.* 

Use vitamins and minerals to set a foundation, but don’t miss out on what these amazing cannabinoids can do. Take advantage of hemp’s natural benefits and get smart about losing weight in a sustainable way.

The bottom line

Weight loss is possible — you just need the right tools. Sunmed has everything you need, from non-psychoactive CBD to Supergreens Daily Gummies that support your recommended daily averages of key vitamins. 

Remember — vitamins, minerals, and hemp can only take you so far in the world of weight loss. You also need to do your part in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating the right foods, and expending energy through exercise. Our supplements can help you unlock the program that works best for you and your weight loss goals.


B Vitamins Can Reduce Body Weight Gain by Increasing Metabolism-related Enzyme Activities in Rats Fed on a High-Fat Diet | NIH

B Vitamins: Functions and Uses in Medicine | NIH

Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Weight Loss, Glycemic Indices, and Lipid Profile in Obese and Overweight Women: A Clinical Trial Study | NIH

Weight loss study shows THCV and CBDV may help reduce BMI | Cannabis Health News

5 ways to boost metabolism | Piedmont