Hemp gummies vs. CBD gummies
Learn everything you need to know about hemp and CBD gummies, including key differences.

Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Caley Scott, ND
Under the broad umbrella of hemp products, many seem similar at first glance. Hemp gummies and CBD gummies are a perfect example of hemp plant products that look alike but deliver different results and benefits for users.
Because hemp and CBD products often end up on the same store shelves and look alike, you’re not alone if you get the two mixed up. However, these two products are truly distinct in their composition and properties, so now is the time to make sense of it all.
In this article, we’re revealing exactly what’s contained in these two popular cannabis products, how they differ, and what this means for your experience in terms of health benefits and overarching wellness goals with the hemp plant.
What are hemp gummies?
Hemp gummies can represent a broad category of cannabis products in gummy form. The most common version usually contains CBD in small to large concentrations, the result of a true-plant hemp extract.
Remember, the word “hemp” is sometimes used interchangeably with “cannabis” when it comes to cannabinoid products. The key distinction is that the label “cannabis” tends to indicate a large presence of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). As far as the legal implications of cannabis vs. hemp defined in the 2018 Farm Bill, the cannabis plant contains more than 0.3% THC, while hemp plants are defined as having less than 0.3% THC on a dry weight basis.
With hemp extract gummies, you can expect to ingest CBD along with the potential for some other minor cannabinoids, terpenes, and other beneficial plant compounds. Just be aware of labels indicating “hemp seed extract” or “hemp seed oil” — this means something different altogether.
Products derived from hemp seed aren’t bad by any means, but they don’t contain any cannabinoids that you might expect from a cannabis product. Instead, these oils are drawn from the seeds of hemp, which contain no CBD or cannabinoid compounds.
While there are certainly benefits to consuming hemp seed gummies, you’re missing out on the plant compounds that make the hemp plant such a unique natural marvel. Like we always say, be sure to closely examine the label of any product you pick up and know the precise composition before finalizing a purchase.
What are CBD gummies?
Hemp gummies can cover a lot of ground, ranging from hemp seed oil products (no cannabinoids) to goods containing cannabinol (CBD) and other powerful hemp compounds. This variety makes the label somewhat confusing, which is why more brands are simplifying the consumer experience by using the label “CBD gummies” instead.
To earn the label “CBD gummies,” these products must contain CBD in an effective concentration. This is good news for the consumer, who doesn’t have to do any extra guesswork to know what's in their formula.
Furthermore, CBD gummies are often labeled with additional descriptors, such as CBD isolate, broad spectrum CBD, or full spectrum CBD. This makes the decision process even easier, as these labels offer insight into the formulation of the cannabinoids themselves.
What are the different types of CBD gummies?
CBD isolate gummies are popular for the simple reason that they are easy to produce and tend to be less expensive. While CBD is indeed a useful compound, these gummies fall short in that they only contain the CBD compound. This means you’re missing out on the minor cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and more beneficial plant material that makes whole-plant extracts so effective and enjoyable.
Looking for gummies that are more comprehensive than CBD isolate? Next on the list are broad spectrum CBD gummies. With broad spectrum CBD, you’re getting much more from the hemp plant than a simple isolate can provide. Broad spectrum CBD contains several cannabinoids in addition to hemp-derived CBD, with additional active ingredients depending on the formulation.
While CBD is the main event in broad spectrum products, you’re also getting the benefits of minor cannabinoids like CBG, CBN, and a host of distinctive plant terpenes and flavonoids. In other words, broad spectrum products are a much better representation of the cannabis plant itself, drawing from the full potential of nature and concentrating these benefits in a single gummy.
The key distinction with broad spectrum products is THC — or, more accurately, the lack thereof. Broad spectrum CBD gummies are virtually free of THC, save for a negligible amount that may appear on the certificate of analysis. This means that your experience with broad spectrum gummies will be non-psychoactive through and through.* For those who don’t want to consume even the smallest amount of THC, it’s the perfect pick.
Finally, full spectrum CBD gummies offer the total package of the hemp plant, while still limiting the concentrations of THC. With full spectrum gummies, you get the whole-plant benefits of hemp with the cannabinoids you love, plus a slightly higher amount of THC to round out the entourage effect.
Keep in mind that the maximum concentration of THC in full spectrum hemp oil and gummies is only 0.3% by dry weight basis. It’s not much, but this small amount does trigger the entourage effect and provides more comprehensive benefits as a result.
Knowing all this, you can see why CBD gummies are so well-loved and why you need to take the selection process seriously when finding the product best suited for you.
What are the benefits of consuming hemp gummies?
It’s clear that CBD gummies are at the forefront of wellness research and discovery, but are there benefits to consuming hemp gummies as well?
The answer is yes, provided you know how to double-check the formula. Some hemp gummies are essentially the same products as CBD gummies, including potent cannabinoid concentrations and organic terpene extracts. These will provide you with the benefits you expect from CBD and other cannabinoids — soothing, relaxing, balancing, and calm sensations.
On the flip side, many hemp gummies hide behind this label and use low-quality extracts and ingredients. Some hemp gummies contain just a pure CBD isolate, while others contain no CBD at all. Hemp seed oil, once again, has none of the therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids, as the ingredients don’t bind with endocannabinoid system receptors.
Of course, if you’re using hemp seed oil purposefully and know what you’re buying, it has certain applications that shouldn’t be overlooked. Hemp seed oil is rich in fatty acids that are good for the heart, brain, blood pressure, and joints.*
As long as you know what’s really inside your hemp gummy products, there’s no reason to avoid this category. Just be sure you’re looking beyond the front label and analyzing the exact composition of the hemp gummies you choose.
What are the benefits of consuming CBD gummies?
When you buy CBD gummies, you’re buying the benefits of CBD and nothing less. The essential fatty acids of hemp seed oil have their place, but those aren’t the true benefits of hemp you are likely hoping to get.
Thankfully, the best CBD gummies are true to their labels and contain a wide variety of CBD and other cannabinoids. We’ve gone over the differences between isolate, broad spectrum, and full spectrum products, so keep these in mind when stocking up on CBD gummies.
With regard to the exact benefits of CBD gummies, it’s all about providing support to your endocannabinoid system. The ECS receptors are widespread throughout the body, found in the central nervous system, organs, and even immune cells. When CBD interacts with these receptors, the ECS balances into homeostasis. Maybe it’s soreness from intense exercise, a stiff neck, or the everyday stresses of life and emotions. CBD targets the parts of the body and mind that need the most support —all you need to do is keep up a consistent CBD routine.*
CBD gummies can be utilized any time of the day, and Sunmed specializes in creating CBD formulas for specific needs, whether it's morning focus, better sleep, relieving recovery, or daily relaxation. Morning CBD gummies like our Broad Spectrum Rise CBG Gummies, for example, give you a CBG boost of focus and mental clarity to start your day, while nighttime gummies like our Full Spectrum Sleep CBN Gummies can help you wind down for a good night’s sleep.*
Are there any legal or safety considerations for hemp and CBD gummies?
Thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD products have been made legal throughout the United States on a federal level. With that being said, state regulations on CBD products change frequently. Be sure to confirm your state laws, or stop in to see your local Sunmed wellness expert to explore the CBD options available to your state.
Just be aware of consuming full spectrum CBD gummies that contain trace amounts of THC. If you expect to be drug tested at some point soon, consider using a broad spectrum gummy product that contains non-detectable levels of THC.
How to choose a quality product
Choosing quality hemp-derived CBD products can be challenging, now that the market is so vast and varied. However, like the choices you make with food and other supplements, your intuition and principles should always come first.
For instance, you may choose products that are free of artificial ingredients and use an all-natural extraction process, with extracts derived from organic hemp. The products you choose should have the exact amount of CBD you want, verified by a third-party lab, and a clear COA (Certificate of Analysis) that addresses what is and isn't in your formula.
Finally, read plenty of customer reviews and outline the potential health benefits you expect from the product. If your goals align with the experience of real users online, it’s usually a good sign. These tips apply to hemp products of all kinds, including all types of CBD.
The bottom line
In the world of hemp, the volume and variety of products can be overwhelming. Terms like hemp, CBD, and cannabis are thrown around without a clear distinction in many cases.
Reference this article in order to remember the CBD basics, read every label closely, and be sure you’re getting exactly what you want from each purchase. Our goal at Sunmed is to help you understand all there is to know about hemp and CBD wellness, all while providing high-quality products you can trust.* Explore our full collection of modern wellness products today.
Hempseed oil in a nutshell | AOCS
Clinicians’ Guide to Cannabidiol and Hemp Oils | Mayo Clinic
Hemp Seed Oil and CBD Concentrate, Understanding the Difference | Vermont Agriculture
Concentrations of THC, CBD, and CBN in commercial hemp seeds and hempseed oil sold in Korea | NIH